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TV or not TV? That is the question

TV or not TV - that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the online slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by supposing, end them.

That Shakespeare. He sure knew his basketball issues.

So first to the WNBL, before we get to the NBL's latest - its Blitz coverage.

Basketball Oz (hereinafter referred to as "BA" and not "BO", given it no longer is on the nose) was confident enough today to release some aspects of its coverage plans for the WNBL.

Get ready for online streaming for the first time in the league's history - Canberra Capitals' solo efforts in that regard and occasional dalliances by others notwithstanding - following fairly concrete conversations with a major online provider.

And that move links in to deals BA has on the table with the free-to-air networks who, lately, have been paying a bit of attention.

The time-frame to get it all across the line is tight but in allowing the word to get out today, BA showed it is not only feeling relatively confident but also aware WNBL fans are clamouring for TV news. 

All good.

YOU'D think NBL fans would be content with the TV news they received last week, again showing patience was virtuous.

Five years on Fox with a free-to-air option, every game live and in HD - plus a "Must Do" provision to install a Brisbane-based team for 2016-17 and beyond - should satisfy NBL fans.

But wait. 

There's more.

League GM Jeremy Loeliger today confirmed there would be live streaming of the matches from Townsville at the preseason Blitz for the Loggins-Bruton Cup.

"It will be of lesser production quality than the TV product which will be screened (during the regular season) but it means fans will be able to see the Blitz games," Loeliger said.

Excellent news.



WNBL online and on TV?

36ers in Darwin:

Sep 7

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