Same old, same old as Scott shown door
TweetREALLY? You were shocked? Really? Have you spent any time looking at the Adelaide 36ers NBL club over the past 6-7 years? The only shock about the Sixers sacking newly-appointed coach Scott Ninnis today is the fact they never even gave him a chance. All he achieved was rescuing the club last season, giving long-suffering fans hope.
That hope was dashed today when he was sacked, less than six months after he was jubilantly appointed after salvaging another lost season as interim 36ers coach following the dismissal of CJ Bruton.
That was a CJ Bruton who replaced sacked Connor Henry, who replaced Joey Wright who could not get out of the place fast enough despite taking Adelaide to two championship series.
Just watch five minutes of the announcement in February of Ninnis' two-year appointment at this link to see how much has suddenly changed. It is beyond ridiculous.
Club talking heads Nic Barbato and Matt Weston today fronted the media suggesting Ninnis didn't meet certain "standards", then refused to elaborate, making the process look contrived, to say the least.
Again, have a squiz at the first few minutes of the press conference announcing Ninnis' appointment, then find today's "revelations" for a comparison.
Chalk and cheese.
If you conclude there were forces at play who did not want Ninnis in the role, it would not surprise anyone.
First, his preferred assistant option of Graham Kubank was dismissed, which should have set off alarm bells right away.
Brendan Joyce was the club's first choice to be his lead assistant but when that was exposed pubicly, the plan was quietly abandoned.
Next, Weston was on the hustings, talking about recruitment. Red flags flying everywhere if the coach's input into recruiting was so secondary a consideration.
At that point, those close to Ninnis already were cautioning him that to continue under the circumstances was perilous but, loving the club as he does, he decided to plough on through.
Big mistake - huge.
Next, Mike Wells - he has an American accent right? So he must be good - was brought in as assistant. Again, most people who follow these machinations closely noted the writing was on the wall.
Projecting today that the decision to axe Ninnis now rather than risk another poor start was in some way a noble or expedient gesture is beyond laughable.
The club must love paying people who no longer work for them. Fairly sure Ninnis won't be accepting some community engagement gig. What a backhanded offer after blathering on about the standard that wasn't met.
Players who signed long-term contracts must now be wondering what the future holds. (I know at least one who now has his agent looking for a deal in Europe.)
Fans must be wondering if they ever again will see any glory days.
Well, that's what is being promised. Let's see how it pans out.
ADELAIDE 36ERS circa 2002. A long time ago now.